
Nobel prizes: Asian scientists set to topple America's run of wins

Sunday 2 October 2011

 Nobel prizes: Asian scientists set to topple America's run of wins
Asian scientists set to topple America's run of wins

American scientists have once again swept the majority of Nobel Prize announcements in Sweden this week, analysts have predicted. But they also warned that this dominance may soon end.

David Pendlebury, analyst quote, which is correctly predicted by 10 Nobel laureates since 2002, believes that the Eastern European countries, especially China, will soon rule assigns the greatest prize in science.
"In the first half of 20th century England, Germany and France dominate the sciences. The United States emerged as the world leader after World War II. Now I think we'll start to see so many Nobel laureates in Asia that we are from the United States and Europe.
"Pendlebury, who works for Thomson Reuters, speaking on the eve of publication of this year's award. Drug prices will be announced tomorrow, physics and chemistry Tuesday Wednesday. The peace prize will be announced on Thursday, the economy on Monday and literature later this month. A maximum of three persons will be allowed to share a Nobel Prize, each worth around £ 1m.

Over the last 10 years was 31 of 76 people who have won Nobels scientists in the United States, while 16 of 21 economic winners were the United States. However, in the UK - won eight awards physiology, one for physics and one for the economy - a nation with a reputation reasonable Nobel. These totals are open to broad interpretation, however. Many nations hold joint winners and is often claimed by both their origin and country of affiliation.

However, the figures give a general indication of the chasm that separates the U.S. from the rest of the world, which is likely to continue this year, according to Pendlebury. He leans toward a number of teams in the United States as winners like Robert Langer and Joseph Free, both based in Boston, for their work in the field of tissue engineering, Sajeev John (Toronto, Canada), and Eli Yablonovitch (Berkeley , California), working in photonics, and Allen Bard (Austin, Texas) his work in scanning electrochemical microscopy.

Pendlebury warned worry about betting on his predictions, however. "If we consider only the top 0.1% most cited scientists in the world, including more than 1,000 scientists," said Pendlebury. "You can reduce, but can be difficult to differentiate taxes. In the end, belongs to the individual preferences of the Nobel Committee. Laureate is currently dominated by U.S. researchers. However, U.S. investment in the field of physics is not as strong as its investments in life sciences and medicine, so I think in the next decade or so we begin to see many other Nobel Prizes of Asia ".

As for his own expectations for the price this week, admitted to Pendlebury few favorites. One is Sir Alec Jeffreys, University of Leicester in 1984, biochemist who developed techniques for DNA fingerprinting and profiling, which has transformed forensic science. "Nobel Prize is usually awarded for theoretical work. However, the premiums received for applied work, such as fiber optics, and I would really like to see Jeffreys award for a discovery that has had an enormous influence on society. "

Pendlebury also defends the cause of Jacques Miller, 80 French-Australian research that revealed the key role of the thymus in controlling the body's immune system, a discovery of immense medical importance. "It was an important discovery, however, Miller was 50 years ago. He is always doing research and it would be great if I could get a Nobel Prize.

"Of course, half a century may seem a long wait for recognition is appropriate for their work, but it would be a record. The American scientist Peyton Rous took until 1966 to receive a Nobel Prize for his work that led to the discovery of viruses that cause tumors, although it ended in 1911. So Jacques still hope later this week. "


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